Contact Us

Cardinal Residents' Association

President - Joel Webb -

Cardinal Residents’ Association PO Box 19891 Greensboro, NC 27419

If you would like to be active in the community, please feel free to contact us. We are looking for volunteers to help rebuild and maintain this Community Association. 

Street Captains:

Terry Murphy (@murphyt) , Jennifer Whitney (@jenniferwhitney) , Scott McInnis, Patty Easterwood @easterwood, Stephanie Kretz @kretz, Betsy Hernandez @DanBeeO, Mark Rodriguez (@TurfPro) 

Social Committee Chairs - Patty Easterwood @easterwood, Stephanie Kretz @kretz, Dick Miller @DickMiller, Jennifer Whitney,  (@jenniferwhitney) Hillary Clancy @clancyh 

Landscaping Chairs - Terry Murphy (@murphyt), Betsy Hernandez @DanBeeO, Mark Rodriguez (@TurfPro), Phil Kretz

Decoration Chair - Paige Stafford